Full Screen Functionality

A Window is said to be "full screened" if it is directly associated with a Monitor. If a Window is not full screened, then it is "windowed."


You can check to see if a Window is full screened by calling the full_screen? method:

window = Window.new
window.full_screen? # => false

monitor = Monitor.primary
window = Window.new(monitor: monitor)
window.full_screen? # => true

full_screen? must be called from within a run block definition.


If a Window is full screened, you can retrieve the monitor on which it is displayed:

if window.full_screen?
  window.monitor # => `CrystGLFW::Monitor`

If the window is not full screened when you attempt to retrieve its monitor, a CrystGLFW::Error::NotFullScreen will be raised.

monitor must be called from within a run block definition.

set_monitor and monitor=

To make a Window full screened on a given Monitor, use the set_monitor method:

window = Window.new

The current VideoMode of the Monitor is used upon a Window being full screened.

Alternatively, you can use monitor= to achieve the same thing:

window = Window.new
window.monitor = Monitor.primary

Both set_monitor and monitor= must be called from within a run block definition.


To make a full screened Window run in windowed mode, use the exit_full_screen method:

window = Window.new(monitor: Monitor.primary)
window.exit_full_screen(100, 100, 640, 480)

exit_full_screen accepts the following arguments:

  • x, the x-coordinate of the newly-windowed window. (Default: 100)
  • y, the y-coordinate of the newly-windowed window. (Default: 100)
  • width, the width of the newly-windowed window. (Default: 640)
  • height, the height of the newly-windowed window. ( Default: 480)
# location: (100, 100), size: 640x480
window.exit_full_screen(100, 100, 640, 480)

# location: (100, 100), size: 640x480

# location: (250, 50), size: 1024x576
window.exit_full_screen(250, 50, 1024, 576)

Of course, you can also use keyword arguments:

# location: (250, 50), size: 1024x576
window.exit_full_screen(x: 250, y: 50, width: 1024, height: 576)

exit_full_screen must be called from within a run block definition.

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