Window Creation Hints
There are a number of constraints that can be placed on a Window
and its context at the time of its creation. It is highly recommended that you read the GLFW documentation's section on window hints to gain an understanding of what each option does.
requires that hints be placed in a Hash
that is then passed to the window initializer. Although the documentation linked above provides helpful descriptions of each option, the table below should be referenced for how to construct your Hash
while using CrystGLFW
Hint Label | Default Value | Supported Values |
Window::HintLabel::Resizable |
true |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::Visible |
true |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::Decorated |
true |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::Focused |
true |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::AutoIconify |
true |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::Floating |
false |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::Maximized |
false |
true or false |
Window:HintLabel::RedBits |
8 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::GreenBits |
8 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::BlueBits |
8 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::AlphaBits |
8 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::DepthBits |
24 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::StencilBits |
8 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::AccumRedBits |
0 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::AccumGreenBits |
0 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::AccumBlueBits |
0 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::AccumAlphaBits |
0 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::AuxBuffers |
0 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::Samples |
0 | Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::RefreshRate |
Positive Int32 or CrystGLFW::DONT_CARE |
Window::HintLabel::Stereo |
false |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::SRGBCapable |
false |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::Doublebuffer |
true |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::ClientAPI |
ClientAPI::OpenGL |
any ClientAPI |
Window::HintLabel::ContextCreationAPI |
ContextAPI::Native |
any ContextAPI |
Window::HintLabel::ContextVersionMajor |
1 | Any valid major version number of the client API |
Window::HintLabel::ContextVersionMinor |
0 | Any valid minor version number of the client API |
Window::HintLabel::ContextRobustness |
ContextRobustness::None |
any ContextRobustness |
Window::HintLabel::ContextReleaseBehavior |
ReleaseBehavior::Any |
any ReleaseBehavior |
Window::HintLabel::OpenGLForwardCompat |
false |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::OpenGLDebugContext |
false |
true or false |
Window::HintLabel::OpenGLProfile |
OpenGLProfile::Any |
any OpenGLProfile |
hints = {
Window::HintLabel::ContextVersionMajor => 3,
Window::HintLabel::ContextVersionMinor => 3,
Window::HintLabel::OpenGLForwardCompat => true,
Window::HintLabel::OpenGLProfile => OpenGLProfile::Core,
Window::HintLabel::ClientAPI => ClientAPI::OpenGL
window = hints)