
The Modifiers module encapsulates logic associated with events that listen to modifier keys. The following events include modifier functionality:

These events have this additional interface:


If you'd like to know if the shift key was held down, use the shift? method:

event.shift? # => Bool

shift? returns true if the shift key was held, and returns false if it was not.


If you'd like to know if the control key was held down, use the control? method:

event.control? # => Bool

control? returns true if the control key was held, and returns false if it was not.


If you'd like to know if the alt key was held down, use the alt? method:

event.alt? # => Bool

alt? returns true if the alt key was held, and returns false if it was not.


If you'd like to know if the super key (command on MacOS, windows key on Windows, etc.) was held down, use the super? method:

event.super? # => Bool

super? returns true if the super key was held, and returns false if it was not.

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