GLFW has an internal timer that can be used in your application logic.


As soon as CrystGLFW is initialized, it begins a timer. The value of this timer, in seconds, can be retrieved with the time method:

current_time = CrystGLFW.time # => 0.13899576

time must be called after GLFW is initialized, and therefore must be called from within a run block definition.

set_time and time=

You can manually set the timer to whatever value you'd like with the set_time method:

CrystGLFW.set_time 3.5 # Sets the timer to 3 and a half seconds.

Alternatively, you can use time= to do the same thing:

CrystGLFW.time = 3.5 # Sets the time to 3 and a half seconds.

set_time and time= must be called from within a run block definition.

timer_frequency and timer_value

You can retrieve the frequency of the raw timer, in Hz, with timer_frequency:

CrystGLFW.timer_frequency # => 1_000_000_000

Additionally, you can retrieve the current value of the raw timer, in 1 / timer_frequency seconds, with timer_value:

CrystGLFW.timer_value # => 754_104_002_009_408

timer_frequency and timer_value must be called from within a run block definition.

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