Framebuffer and Frame Size


To retrieve the window's framebuffer_size, use the framebuffer_size method:

window = 640, height: 480)
window.framebuffer_size # => {width: 1280, height: 960}

Unlike most CrystGLFW size representations, the returned framebuffer_size is in pixels, not screen coordinates.

framebuffer_size must be called from within a run block definition.


You can retrieve the size of each edge of the window's frame, including its title bar (if present) with the frame_size method:

frame_size = window.frame_size
frame_size[:top] # => the "height" of the window's top frame edge

All four edges of the frame can be accessed: :top, :right, :bottom, and :left.

Note that unlike framebuffer_size, each edge's size is given in screen coordinates, not pixels.

frame_size must be called from within a run block definition.

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