Custom Error Behavior

By default, CrystGLFW defines an error callback that raises an exception upon receiving an error event in the queue.


Although not recommended, it is possible to define custom error behavior using on_error:

CrystGLFW.on_error do |error_code|
  # your custom behavior here

on_error yields error_code, an Int32, that matches one of the GLFW error constants defined in the GLFW3 specification. This Int32 can be used to create a CrystGLFW::Error. For reference, the default block definition looks like this:

CrystGLFW.on_error do |error_code|

It is the humble opinion of this guide that you not change this, and instead rescue exceptions where necessary. But hey - go crazy!

on_error can be invoked outside of a run block definition.

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