Aspect Ratio

You can set the aspect ratio of a Window after creation.

set_aspect_ratio and aspect_ratio=

If you'd like to manually set a window's aspect ratio, you can use the set_aspect_ratio method:

window =
window.set_aspect_ratio(16, 9)

You can optionally choose to use keyword arguments:

window.set_aspect_ratio(numerator: 16, denominator: 9)

Setting the aspect ratio of a Window will only take effect if the window is running in windowed mode (i.e. the window is not full screened). The new aspect ratio is immediately applied and is likely to cause the window to resize itself.

An alternative syntax is available in the form of aspect_ratio=:

window.aspect_ratio = {numerator: 4, denominator: 3}

Both set_aspect_ratio and aspect_ratio= must be called from within a run block definition.

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